** 28th November 2010 **
For the first time
me and boy went Thailand all by ourselves
we drove from Penang to Bukit Kayu Hitam
and parked at the duty free shop
Checked in at the immigration station
and get ourselves a van from Danok to Hadyai
Purpose of the trip ??
❤ FOOD ❤
And also to do a lot of....
It is just a 1 day trip
do you think both of us are crazy?
it's a nice experience for both of us
Felt satisfy with it but very tired
reach Penang about 12am
pity my pretty boy who drove all the way
For the first time
me and boy went Thailand all by ourselves
we drove from Penang to Bukit Kayu Hitam
and parked at the duty free shop
Checked in at the immigration station
and get ourselves a van from Danok to Hadyai
do you think both of us are crazy?
it's a nice experience for both of us
Felt satisfy with it but very tired
reach Penang about 12am
pity my pretty boy who drove all the way